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Facebook marketing method: fan marketing

Time:2023-02-22 16:45:51  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

As long as you have done foreign trade, facebook should know that it is one of our most important marketing platforms. Whether you are doing cross-border e-commerce or foreign trade software and a series of cross-border products, whatsapp, facebook, telegram , Instagram, etc., are all platforms available for us to do marketing.

Many people don't know how to do fan marketing on the facebook platform. Today, the crownsoft editor will tell you about the facebook marketing method: how to do fan marketing.

If we want more users to pay attention to us, the main thing we do is to generate high-quality content, such as posting on Facebook. But there are rules for posting, instead of letting us post some advertising content indiscriminately, we need to pay attention to the following points:

facebook fan marketing

1. Post content:

Facebook, as a mainstream social platform in foreign countries, produces a large amount of content every day. If we want to be seen by others, the content must be enough to attract users. The content can be divided into product content and high-quality information content. On the one hand, the content is an introduction Our products; on the other hand, the content is to publish content that is of interest to users related to their own industry.

Regarding the content of the specific posts, you can refer to fan-related topics, open topics, interesting topics, and current hot topics.

2. Frequency of posting

If you want to increase the weight of your account and get more platform traffic support, then your posting needs to be regular and let the system judge your account as a high-quality account. For example, post 4-5 posts every day to see your industry-related fan groups When is their online active time node, and send relevant content in a targeted manner.

Note: The conversion of fans is very important to us. Since we want to do facebook marketing, we must persist in doing fan marketing. We must not go fishing for three days and post on the Internet for two days.


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