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Can my friends see my Facebook group posts?

Time:2024-02-22 14:16:55  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

Groups are very important for marketing and promotion on Facebook, especially when we add them to corresponding groups based on keywords for marketing. The group members are basically users related to or interested in the industry. The degree of intention is still relatively high.

So basically when doing Facebook marketing, many friends will post marketing posts in Facebook groups, so can friends who post in Facebook groups see it? Let’s take a look with the editor of crownsoft!

Facebook friends are still relatively important. This is not only related to the evaluation of our account on Facebook, but also the content you publish can be known to your friends as soon as possible, which is of great help to marketing and promotion.

Can my friends see my Facebook group posts

When you post in a Facebook group, if your post is not deleted by the administrator or the system, the group members in the group can see the content you posted.

Whether your friends can see it depends on whether they are also members of the group. If they are a member of the group, they will be able to see your posts in the group. If they are not a member of the group, they will not be able to directly see your posts in the group. Unless you share the post to your personal homepage or other public places, your friends may see it.

Facebook privacy settings and group settings may affect the visibility of posts, so specifics may vary. You decide how to share your posts based on your needs and privacy settings.


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