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Must-haves for foreign trade companies: 5 Facebook marketing tips that get twice the result with half the effort!

Time:2024-04-20 15:49:51  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

To get traffic on Facebook, you need to find the right methods and techniques. Let’s take a look with the editor of crownsoft!

Must-haves for foreign trade companies: 5 Facebook marketing tips that get twice the result with half the effort!

First, account skills

1. Set up information links related to the brand

When setting up account information, make sure that your account cover, avatar and other information are related to your brand or product. At the same time, add your independent website URL in the company introduction, so that customers who are interested in your products can quickly visit your website and purchase goods.

2. Multiple accounts enhance brand exposure

Just like multiple domestic official accounts or official accounts cooperate with WeChat, this kind of promotion can help companies increase brand exposure. Therefore, you need to create multiple accounts and give each account different functions, such as one account for authoritative publishing and multiple accounts for traffic forwarding.

Second, publishing skills

Post pictures/videos

Posts with pictures or videos (15 seconds) can get more traffic. Since there are many languages on FB, everyone can only understand each other through the pictures sent by each other at first glance, so every message you send should be accompanied by pictures. And the text is best concise.

Third, brand homepage skills

1. Operate different brand homepages according to customer regions

When you build a homepage, you must first clarify what the purpose of the homepage is? Is it to promote a company, a store, or a product? What are the product advantages? We need to think through these issues first before creating a homepage. If your brand influence is large enough and your overseas customer base is wide, you can also operate different brand homepages specifically for different customer regions.

2. Design the brand homepage with reference to regional style

The design of the brand homepage should refer to regional styles and identify user positioning. The name of the brand homepage should be related to your brand or business area, which will make it easier to attract potential customers.

The above content is the content shared by the editor of crownsoft about "Must-have for foreign trade companies: 5 Facebook marketing skills that get twice the result with half the effort!" I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to know more details about Facebook marketing, please visit crownsoft.


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