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WhatsApp Number Screening Platform Features

Time:2024-05-23 19:15:01  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

What are the functions of the WhatsApp number screening platform? Why do so many WhatsApp marketers like to use this platform to help themselves with marketing? Today, let us take a good look at what this platform is and how it can help us with our marketing!


First of all, I think everyone likes this platform because it has some operations that are difficult to achieve manually or more troublesome operations, so people choose to use it to complete these tasks. We can also see that this platform called WhatsApp number screening platform is related to WhatsApp account screening, so we can roughly estimate that it helps us find customers on WhatsApp. Next, let's verify our guess!

Clicking into this platform, we found that this is actually not much different from what we said above. The only difference may be that it can help us with the content of WhatsApp account screening, which is many times more powerful than we imagined.

Like this WhatsApp number screening platform, it relies on its own account generation, automatic (according to our requirements) screening, and then outputs a list for us, with many details and options for us to choose.

Just like before it helps us generate account tasks, let us choose the country or region we want to target, and directly generate numbers for the region. Such generation will make our marketing more accurate and convenient for us to do group marketing.

After selecting the region to generate, we can choose the characteristics of the users we want to market to, such as age, gender, language used, presence or absence of avatar, avatar category and many other related information. After selecting these operations, we only need to click to start the task, and the WhatsApp number screening platform will help us directly generate the user list we want.

Unlike other account screening methods, the results we get from the WhatsApp number screening platform will be displayed to us in the form of files, and we can choose to download or view them online. No matter what, it will not affect our next marketing.

Keywords: WhatsApp number screening platform


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