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What Is the Use of WhatsApp Number Filtering Assistance

Time:2024-07-30 18:25:21  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

In today's development of digital marketing, especially in the global market, using WhatsApp for marketing is highly efficient. Among the many social platforms, WhatsApp stands out in the field of social marketing due to its unique features, making it ideal for marketers seeking high-efficiency marketing in a competitive market.

WhatsApp Filters

Now, new marketing auxiliary software has emerged, enhancing our marketing effectiveness and efficiency. This software is Crownsoft WhatsApp Filters. Why can this software achieve such functionality? Today, let's take a look at the auxiliary features of this software!

This software helps us quickly filter whether a number is registered with a WhatsApp account and accurately identify if the user has uploaded a profile picture and status. It can also automatically recognize the user's gender, age, language, and other related information through the profile picture and status. Such features make our marketing efforts more precise and efficient when choosing targets.

What if there are no numbers available for filtering? The software also addresses this issue by supporting various methods for generating numbers to facilitate subsequent filtering operations. We can generate numbers using country codes and the first few digits of the number, or by combining country and city codes along with number segments.

By combining these two functions, we can continuously obtain users for marketing operations, solving issues related to the lack of customers or user information, which can slow down or hinder marketing progress.

Crownsoft WhatsApp Filters is an excellent WhatsApp auxiliary software. It helps you generate and filter phone numbers to identify those registered with WhatsApp and detect information corresponding to WhatsApp accounts, providing a continuous stream of users for your marketing.


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