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The necessary facebook marketing tools for foreign traders are all here!

Time:2023-05-10 18:13:37  Source:www.crownsoft007.com

For people in the foreign trade industry, facebook is the best marketing platform. Many people use the Facebook platform for marketing and promotion, to find their intended customer groups, to help them acquire fans, and to analyze the market. Of course, this kind of marketing in advance must require us to use some marketing tools.

In addition to the official Facebook marketing tools, there are also some third-party Facebook marketing tools. The crownsoft editor will introduce you in detail below, hoping to help you.

facebook marketing tool

1. Facebook group marketing

Collect Facebook group links according to keywords, add groups on Facebook accounts in batches, and send groups to groups. You can skip the private group, or wait for the private group (enter the answer manually)

2. Facebook multilingual translation

Translate chat records with friends, one-click translation, input text and send. Set common words to facilitate communication. Send bulk messages to friends

3. Facebook multi-account support management

The software can log in to multiple Facebook accounts and manage them freely. Support importing FaceBook Cookies accounts, and support exporting Cookies accounts

4. Facebook fan marketing

You can add Facebook friends in designated countries, and send private messages in groups, or leave messages and comments on friends' homepages, and expose advertising messages to fans in designated countries in a large area.

5. Anti-ban tool

The FaceBook browser window adopts anti-association and fingerprint technology to ensure that each browser window uses different hardware, configuration, and fingerprint information, and the anti-association and anti-blocking capabilities of the FaceBook account are stronger.

The above content is the content related to "facebook marketing tools" shared by the editor of crownsoft. I hope it will be helpful to you. Want to know more about facebook marketing related content, all in crownsoft.


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